Pakistan has made considerable progress over the decade on a wide range of education outcomes both at national and provincial levels. Notwithstanding significant accomplishments, access, quality and equity continue to pose major challenges across the country. An important pre-requisite for effective reforms that improve access and quality of education service delivery is robust communication, coordination and cooperation between the political capital, government officials, and the education sector experts. These stakeholders are not only responsible for helping formulate educational reforms and policies, but also play an important role towards ensuring their effective delivery and implementation. The goal of inclusive, accessible and quality education for every child cannot be achieved without the meaningful engagement, support and ownership across a wide range of stakeholders.
In this backdrop, Institute of Social and Policy Sciences (I-SAPS) has developed this booklet that provides information about the current state of a number of important education statistics at the district level. The data presented herewith aims to initiate an informed debate and discourse on the state of education in the district and the way forward among the political capital including public representatives, officials of the education department and the civil society at large including citizens groups and networks, local champions of education, parents and communities.
KP: KP - Annual School Census 2021-22
Punjab: Punjab - Annual School Census 2021-22